Monday, May 17, 2021

TD 45-51: Steady Gains, Learning lots!

 I must admit that I really enjoy momentum trading.  I'm very happy that gamestop opened my eyes to this wonderful world of candlesticks.

I got sidetracked on my blogging again, but I have been making steady gains.  I'm still fighting with the psychology of wanting to hold out for the giant gains.  That has led to extreme frustration when I don't close out trades until the afternoon.  That's the main reason I haven't blogged.  I hate closing out trades in the afternoon after watching it go sideways all morning.  I know the solution to this is to just cash out after a nice 3% gain.  There is no reason to wait for more.

Here is my summary with more detail on today's trade:

Day 45:  NMRD, 3.4% gain

Day 46:  LEDS, 10% gain

Day 47:  PLTR, 2% gain, SQBG, 3.2% gain

Day 48:  EYES, 4.8% gain

Day 49:  AMC, 4.7% gain (a great trade on a red day)

Day 50:  PLUG, 0.2% gain....that's when I really learned about getting out early.  But, at least I didn't lose!

Day 51:

Ticker:  DBGI

Price Bought:  $4.45

Price Sold:  $4.60

Example of I could have been in and out in about 15-20 minutes.  Instead I held on hoping it would start running.  I watched and watched.  It didn't make any huge moves, so I went ahead and sold for 3.4% gain.  It seemed to be slowing down which doesn't bode well for market open. It might still run, but I'm glad to not be watching it all day.  It was a new IPO from Friday, so it was hard to tell what it was going to do.  

Balance of my $100:  $552.15, 8.9% average daily gain

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