So, the great thing about my challenge being not hitting the snooze is that I have either success or failure as soon as I get out of the bed. That means I can blog early!
Sadly, today was a total FAIL! {sound of giant gong going off}
But, I actually did not hit the snooze button, so I could have blogged a success story. But, this won't work without total honesty.
Here's how it all went down:
Alarm set for 6am
As I feel asleep, visions of a vegan pancake breakfast and kids with brushed hair danced through my brain. I saw myself with beautiful blow dried AND "The Perfect Curl" hair wearing regular clothes (not my usual fare of yoga pants, college shirt from 1998--most of you have seen me in this so you know--no need to go further.)
Picture it...morning, 6am....iphone alarm goes off (marimba for those in the know) MUST not hit snooze, facebook friends are watching....must not hit comfortable....
Like all addicts who are imprisoned to the sweet nectar of snooze, I found another way.
Yes, friends, instead of hitting snooze, I turned off the first alarm and set a new one for 630 am as I am nothing but a rule follower.
Wish I could say that it went down differently at 630, but alas, the snooze has got me in his hands. Alarm off, new one set for 7am. However, this time the dog did not want to be party to this tom foolery, so she begged to go out. At which point, I got up, let dog out, and {sniff} got back in bed. AAHHHH!
7am is chaos point, so I definitely did not snooze that one. But, I did continue to stay in bed checking my favorite website Because no one needs to get out of bed without knowing what Janelle Evans from Teen Mom 2 is up to these days. That is some critical information I'm might need for the rest of my day. All of this is followed by "we've got to get up, you'll be tardy, wake up!!!!" Cue pancake on sticks, yoga pants, and kids {gasp} brushing their own rat nests.
Somehow, the kids got to school early. That's because all addicts have their coping mechanisms. Mine happens to be having the kids wear their clothes for the next day to bed. Ring, ring "Hello." My mother says, "you let your kids sleep in their clothes. In my day, we would never do that. I can't believe what kind of mother you are." Sigh...such is the life of a snoozer.
So, Day 1 is Fail, but like Scarlet said, "I will go home to Tara", not that one..."Why, Rhett, you're a scoundrel", not that one either...."Ashley, oh, Ashley". It's right on the tip of my tongue.....oh, I know...."Tomorrow is another day!"
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