Monday, February 10, 2014

Worst Dream Evah

Monday, monday...can't trust that day.

So, instead of my blog being named Kimspirational, I should change it to Kimameful, as in shameful.  Blek.

It all began with the Ice Dancing.  Throughout my life, I have had many days ruined by Ice Dancing, but haven't we all?  Stayed up too late watching something I have no interest in at all.  It truly is an enigma.

Alarm set for 6:30.  Child in bed at 4:30am.  Tossing and turning until about 5 at which point I start thinking that an inspirational person would get out of bed and start doing squats.  In fact, I was thinking about doing some squats as I was unknowingly falling back asleep.  Which meant I had the worst dream ever!

You know the one.  You think you're awake, and you're being so beautiful and productive.  I'm talking some exercise, a shower, those f*ing vegan pancakes.  Everything is wonderful and you're giving yourself a pat on the back and them BLAM....beep beep beep.  What the?  I'm still asleep?  I'm not beautiful and productive?

Alarm off and the full on" I'm so depressed that I haven't already been awake snooze fest" begins.  In fact, my brain was giving me credit for being awake even thought I was most definitely not awake.  "Go ahead.  Hit the snooze," it told me.  "You've been awake for hours, so you deserve a rest."  My brain's other name is Judas.

So, my new goal is to not hit the snooze button at some point in the next 30 days...surely that is achievable!

Sno-azy is upon us here in SC, so tomorrow is going to be especially rough as I'm going into it assuming that schools will be cancelled when I get up which means I'll sleep really bad until about 3 am at which point I'll go into hibernation and never want to get up just to find out that school is in session and it is time to get my rear to work (don't you love it when your life can be described in one giant run on sentence?)

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