Friday, February 14, 2014

And We're Back

Yesterday no post.  You know why?  Because nothing happened yesterday at all.

Snow day, snowed in until we made a late afternoon break to Target where I spent tons of money on absolutely nothing worthwhile, except for toothbrushes.  I did buy toothbrushes just to make the rest of my basket not look so manic spendy.

But, we are back now.  And by we, I mean me and my alarm clock.

Today has been awesome which I hope is the beginning of a new Kim.  Got up early in order to herd the children to Gravitopia (I didn't even need to snooze because I woke up before my alarm!).  Gravitopia is a local trampoline place that was going to be open at 9am.  Yes, I did get out on still ice covered streets just to get out the house and get some exercise.  Also, almost busted tail just walking in, but in we walked like bears coming out of hibernation.  Along with the other 3 families who I noted all had toddler boys, aged 2.  We smiled at each other but no one talked as we all knew exactly what the other was thinking.  "It was totally worth risking life and limb to get to a place with foam pits."

So, I'm looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.  Nothing like a few days at home and eating junk food to make you feel like you need a nice detox.

Here's to the coming snow free days!

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