Saturday, February 8, 2014

Things that make you go hmmm.....

Day 2 of snooze challenge 2014 has provided a perplexing situation for analysis.  Here it goes:

It all started last night when I ran into some friends at the local fro yo shop.  In order to protect the guilty, these friends shall remain nameless as I was allowed to peer into the world of a fellow snooze addict and view his long list of alarm settings.  Oh, to see another 5:30am alarm on his phone and bond over the life that could be if we could just get the heck up out of bed., was a salve to my soul.  5:30 is the holy grail time for us snoozers.  It represents all that could be and is a true measure of our optimism for victory.  That alarm setting was followed by 6am, 6:15am, and 6:30am, and the confession that he would put his phone into his gym shoe across the room just so that he would have to get up to turn it off at which point he snoozes it and get back into bed.  Yes, kindred snoozers we are.

Seeing them made me feel very motivated about being a shining light among the bed prone. I decided then and there that I would set a very realistic alarm time for Saturday morning just to show them that we can do it!  While we were having this kimspirational conversation, my little boy, who for our purposes we shall call Bruiser, was continually filling up his yogurt cup as if it was a free refill station.  Keep in mind these yogurt cups are literally the size of feed troughs.  2 bites, more yogurt, more sprinkles, more marshmallows, more snow caps, 2 bites, more yogurt, more sprinkles, more marshmallows, more rainbow snow caps.  His cup overflowth with diabetes.  This is an important fact to know for what is to come...

Alarm set for a very realistic 7:30am.  That is our typical wake up time around here anyway, but the alarm was more of a reminder to actually get out of bed and to not spend time catching up on the latest news about Philip Seymour Hoffman's heroin dealer.  Although, he was my husband's co-worker for a short time, I don't need those deets to start my day.  Cue vision of vegan pancakes, etc.

4am---you all know what is coming---"MOMMY, my tummy hurts...blak, blek, blllauughh."  A 4 year old cannot in fact eat a yogurt serving suitable for Shamu and not have some digestive issues later (that is your fun fact of the day.)

I don't really want to be honest about this, but I will.  I snoozed my son.  It's true.  He's making sounds reminiscent of the exorcist, and I roll over to my husband and say, "can you deal with that?"  In my defense, my husband's super power is dealing with throw up.  He is like a stealth jet coming in with a bomb, except the bomb is a cold wash cloth and a fresh trash can and gentle words saying, "you're hot right now, but soon you'll feel cold and will start shaking" as he gives you paper towels and puts some hand sanitizer by the bed.

Don't judge me too harshly, though, because I did get up after the sounds continued.  So, it was just equivalent to one 9 minute snooze.  At which point, I took one for the team and stayed with Bruiser (after I determined it was more of a lactose problem and less of a norovirus situation.)  I guilt free turned off my alarm--no alarm, no snooze.

In order to wrap this up, I will just say that come 7:30 the kids were up, but because I was upstairs and Hubs was downstairs, we continued to snooze to each other until 9.  As in the kids come to my room and say, "get up."  I say, "go get your father."  They go to him, and he says, "wake up your mother." They ping ponged back and forth until I acknowledged that the jig was up.

So, I'm not sure how to qualify this experience except to say, "Welcome to my world."

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