It has been a very long while since I've blogged. I didn't even know that blogger was still in existence. Brings back so many memories from the late 00s.
I have come down with the Covid blues (again for the 4 millionth time.) I'm a person who enjoys setting personal goals and then researching and executing on the plan.
I did make a Covid bucket list, see below.
I did learn to juggle--I successfully made 2 passes with 3 balls. Mission complete. Juggling is hard. We got the lake house ready...check! Check us out on instagram @lakehousebliss. I did make progress on Animal Crossing until Tom Nook became an overbearing loan shark, and I couldn't bear to catch one more fish just to feed his greedy desires. N is wearing deodorant every day...thank goodness. We had too many smelly days to count. I changed from training Lucky on a shock collar to just carrying around a spray bottle of water to contain his blood lust in murdering the golden retrievers who have the audacity to walk past our house. Our rando summer foster dog did get trained to the shock collar (to keep her from jumping the fence), so task completed. Garden check. I planted the seeds. The weeds took over. The most evolved seeds thrived in their hostile environment, and Alan had a few tomatoes when he remembered that we had a garden (which was approximately twice.) I did not pee pee my pants. That was N's non violent protest to the task list.

H's bucket list is still incomplete. She is halfway through These Happy Golden Years and stopped completely around August. It did delight my heart when upon recently seeing an icicle, Helen remarked, "I wonder what Laura would think of that." Helen thought Laura would lick it and then say, "it tasted so good-just like cold water. Then, Ma told me to give it to baby Carrie." Tennis Lessons came to a screeching halt when school started back. Somehow 6 months of lessons has been blacked out as if she never played once.

Alan was never a believer in the bucket list assignments. He did, however, enjoy making biscuits. Not sure he ever got to "good ones."
Nathan ripped his bucket list from the door, but his list primarily revolved around "start wearing deodorant."
It feels as if we have now entered the pandemic black hole. Dreams of eating inside restaurants, seeing movies at a theater, and joining Cross fit are again delayed. Blek, Blah, Bloop.
Enter Gamestop and Wallstreetbets.
I started reading about it mid-January, and it has provided so much wonderful entertainment ever since. I have gone diamond hands on my rocket ship to the moon with gme. I have been wildly up and wildly down, but mostly wildly fascinated with day trading.
I'm a buy and hold kind of gal. You might call me a Warren Buffette. S&P 500, yes sir! I've been buying and holding since my first job began August, 2000. I have literally only sold 2 stocks in the past 20 years, AirTran and Snapchat. I had to sell AirTran to cover my loss on the bankrupt WebVan which I rode all the way to the bottom. WebVan was the precursor to Door Dash--just 20 years too early. They would bring me one pint of Ben and Jerry's Ice cream to my dorm at OU for $3 and give me a CD case. RIP WebVan. I bought the Snapchat IPO because I saw that kids were obsessed with it. Then, the millennials turned against SNAP, and I sold for $17--not knowing that gen z was totally nuts about SNAP. It is now trading at $59. D'oh.
Day Trading goes against every instinct I have (which is clearly a very good and financially responsible instinct.) I'm impressed with the level of detail and analysis that the people on wallstreetbets do. I'm curious to see if I could be any good at day trading. Enter climbing out of pandemic black hole to set a personal goal that doesn't involve deodorant and circus tricks.
"Wait, Kim, Stop! Terrible idea! You could lose tons of money! It's gambling." Calm down, everyone. I have a plan...I am my parent's child, so taking big risks is not part of my DNA--my oldest brother got every last bit of risky chromosomes that infiltrated our family tree.
Plan: Take $100 and see what happens over the course of 2021.
- Must buy and sell the same stock each day
- Cannot buy/sell the same company in a 2 week period
- Diversification is allowed but each company has to be sold by end of day
- I can use any source for research but must provide reasons for my purchases
I'll be doing this in my Etrade account, so I won't be able to buy fractional shares. I'm looking forward to discovering low cap companies that have big cap dreams. I might go bust in a couple of days and that will be ok.
I'll start on Monday, February 8th. Game, Set, Match on my covid blues. I'm burying my black hole and getting jazzed up on staying at home again.
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