I've been taking a break on the blog because I just haven't had a lot to say. My eating is going so-so. Still mostly vegan, but also still struggling a bit to get that devil named Cheese out of my life. I'm not losing any weight, but no one else in the diet challenge is either, so I still have a chance to win it. The problem with having a diet challenge with your family is that we all share the same DNA to eat badly. This might be the first diet challenge where the winner is the one who GAINED the least amount of weight.
Fortunately, the movie Divergent has pulled me out of my writing slump as I absolutely must comment.
We went to see the movie with my visiting nieces and nephews on Saturday night. I had caught on to all of the buzz about it being the new Hunger Games, and I wanted to check it out. I should have known that it wasn't going to be all that when the only truly excited person in our group to see it was my sister. She wasn't exactly in the movies demographic. The teenagers were all willing to see it, but they actually chose to just sit around at the grandparents house instead of seeing it on the opening weekend. You can imagine how exciting that would have been. The suggestion was actually "you can go downstairs and play on the singing machine." However, my sister won the battle and off we went to diverge.
The story is something about factions and having free will but still being told what to do, etc, etc. I finally was able to fully relate to my father's experience when he first saw The Matrix. During The Matrix, he kept saying, "Will someone please tell me what is going on?" I had to say that about 20 times to my niece. Who are the Erythromycin and isn't that an antibiotic? I finally gave up trying to understand and chowed down on my Sour Patch Kids.
Many rolling of the eyes, sighing, and Hubs whispering "someone in this theater might actually be enjoying this movie" later, I gave up and just went with it. I think the whole crowd felt the same way because the 2nd part was way more fun. Made me miss the days of Mystery Science Theater 3000 because this movie was perfect for it. Kate Winslet looked embarrassed. Ashley Judd seemed grateful to be killed. She barely had any wounds. More of a she didn't need the cash that bad for another movie kind of a death. And, the most surprising part is that none of the 4million people that Triss told she was a divergent to seemed to spill the beans. Or maybe they did, and because everyone else knew it wasn't even worth gossiping about. And, despite an all out mind taking over war with people being shot in cold blood on the street, the train still ran on time. Because I'm Dauntless, B*TCHES!
All in all we had a great time. I'm sure the book is great, but I'll stick with my chick lit and leave the YA to the young adults. So, my recommendation is if you see it go with your snarkiest friend, sit on the back row, and be prepared to laugh as quietly as you can.